Music Week: Day Four

Today I’ve been letting my kids be composers! I created some sheet music for them and let them fill in the notes – once they dry Mom is going to attempt to play their songs for them!


This was so easy to set up! All it took was a simple sharpie: some lines on a paper and a little dot art! If you don’t have the a set of dot arts (try them they are great!) you could always use a small bottle cap dipped in paint or a sponge cut into a circle. Even a thumb print would be a fun way to create some notes!


I don’t really read music so it’ll take me a few minutes to figure out, but I think we will get there. Even if you don’t play at all you can put your kids music into a free app like GarageBand to let them hear their song creations! We might even do this just so they can hear what their songs sound like on different instruments. It’ll be so interesting hearing the songs they created and if your kids are a little older than mine you can add on to this by talking about notes being higher or lower so they have more of an understanding of the music they are writing! It’s really a fun way to introduce a new concept regardless of age or how much they’ll understand now, you are setting a fun foundation for them.



The kids favorite activity today though? An empty tissue box.


After we finished singing Old McDonald with our animal magnets (each kid taking a turn picking a magnet to decide the next animal) we found an empty tissue box and spent about half an hour putting the magnets in the tissue box and dumping them out! That was about the limit on our sharing abilities – so when it got hard to share we also experimented this same activity with different containers and objects like our drum and shakers!


See more of our Music Week activities:

Day One: Songs

Day Two: Art

Day Three: Books



What Really Puts Pressure On A New Mom To Be Perfect
Music Week Day Three: Music Books!


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