• Music Week: Day Four

    Today I’ve been letting my kids be composers! I created some sheet music for them and let them fill in the notes – once they dry Mom is going to attempt to play their songs for them!   This was so easy to set up! All it took was a simple sharpie: some lines on a paper and a little dot art! If you don’t have the a set of dot arts (try them they are great!) you could always use a small bottle cap dipped in paint or a sponge cut into a circle. Even a thumb print would be a fun way to create some notes!   I…

  • Music Week Day Three: Music Books!

    For this theme week we decided to put away most of our usual toys and just keep out our music toys & books. It helps keep things interesting and when I bring back everything else it’s exciting like brand new toys! Plus it gave us room to play and to put out some of the bigger instruments. In the past I’ve also done trades with other parents for a week or so which is a great way to introduce or try out some new stuff without having to buy or overload your house! Creating our music library was so much fun and the kids have loved all the sing along…

  • Music Week: Day Two

    My babies are just LOVING music week! It’s been really fun to see my 15 month old really starting to sing full verses of songs and my two year old spontaneously singing full songs by himself or to his sisters. Today he was really into singing Happy Birthday to our youngest who turns one in just a few weeks! Time is really flying by… and while mostĀ of our day has been spent trying out our new jump pad (aka mattress pad) and singing our favorite jumping song, we did managed to do a fun musical art activity. We’ve been really working on turn taking with our instruments and our jumping…

  • Music Week: Day One Songs

    I find that we often get into song ruts in this house – even though as a friend of mine told me recently I “have a song for everything.” And it’s true I pretty much do have a song for everything from eating to driving to playing play doh – and will often get asked advice for songs from parents who are struggling to do something (like put their seat belt on). Even with all these songs kicking around in my head I find that I will do the same set of songs for a while forgetting about certain ones until they suddenly strike back up. They come and go…

  • Our Next Theme Week: Inspired by Darius Rucker

    So our family went to a wedding a few weeks ago and heard the Darius Rucker song Wagon Wheel. Our two year old loved dancing to it and the reaction he got from the family crowd didn’t hurt his confidence either! It is now my kids #1 most requested song to listen to (right behind the Elmo Song and Raffi’s Baby Beluga). While he sings the chorus my 15 month old throws in an appropriately timed “Hey!” or helps scream “wagon wheel” for another round as we listen to it while we drive literally anywhere we go… If anyone is keeping track we should be somewhere around our three hundred…