Music Week Day Three: Music Books!

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For this theme week we decided to put away most of our usual toys and just keep out our music toys & books. It helps keep things interesting and when I bring back everything else it’s exciting like brand new toys! Plus it gave us room to play and to put out some of the bigger instruments. In the past I’ve also done trades with other parents for a week or so which is a great way to introduce or try out some new stuff without having to buy or overload your house!

Creating our music library was so much fun and the kids have loved all the sing along books and button pushing/music playing. It’s sort of reinvested them in our bookshelf that has been all the same stuff for so long!  I’ve included links here for you in case you want to check out / buy some of these but also keep in mind to check out your library especially if you’re doing Theme Weeks like this so you can keep things interesting without having to spend crazy $$$! Several of these we own, while the others we checkout from time to time for a little variety, but they are all worth a read!


One of our favorites for a long time has been Poppy & the Brass Band – we’ve had two copies of it as the little ones destroyed the first one, but they love it so much!  We may even need a third soon…. They like to hear and name the different instruments and push the buttons to hear all the music – plus all the animals and the funny sounds what’s not to love! For this week we splurged and added the Orchestra version to our collection too!


My Amazing Mozart Music Book is also another cool book which plays a few excerpts of Mozart songs! While the mozart history isn’t too enthralling they like to point out and name different parts of the book like the animals, the windows, the furniture and LOVE to push the buttons to hear and dance to the music! Plus it’s been great for turn taking since if they all push it at the same time it tends to turn the music off.




Baby Beluga – this is an illustrated version of the Raffi classic that we love to sing! It’s a favorite read a loud or sing a long book!

Down By the Bay – very similar to the one above but slightly sillier!




Quiet, Loud – this is great for working with toddlers who love opposites! We had so much fun reading and practicing making quiet/loud music – the only downfall was when going upstairs during nap time and reminded to be quiet (sisters were sleeping) he came back with “LOUD” as we had been doing….


Baby Loves To Rock – this is a cute one and has been one of my oldest’s favorites since he was a tiny baby – he would bring this one back over and over and over again for a read as soon as he learned to crawl to get it!





Every Little Thing – this is a super cute book based on the Bob Marley song with each page being a slightly different theme showing examples of fixing friendships, mistakes and generally making the world a better & brighter place for everyone! You can’t help but smile and know things will be okay if you’re singing along.





Wheels on the Bus – Okay this one I’ll admit I should have waited until my kids were slightly older, or at least not left it out in the playroom (more of a Mommy & me book). But it is so much fun! There are lots of movable parts so the wheels actually go around, the wipers swish, the windows open etc. It’s lots of fun and it’s nice to give some context to the actions so they are learning the concept’s meaning along with the words. That being said, the movable parts are a little tricky for a one year old and like most things you pull harder and harder on in the wrong direction they do rip 🙁


Pete The Cat Wheels On The Bus – this is a more baby friendly board book version, although they do throw in a few random Pete the Cat verses about cats or rocking… It’s still pretty cute all around and less likely to get ripped up by little fingers!



Baby Einstein: Music All Around – My babies just love this book! They love to look at all of the animals and the different instruments and push the buttons to hear the different songs. Each one of them has their own favorite tune and its so cute to see them dancing to it! It’s a great one for reading together, but also one that keeps them entertained on their own – which is always a plus in my book!




This pretty much wraps up our current musical library for the week, but we are always looking for new book suggestions so if you’ve got a musical favorite that’s not listed here please share it below!! Or check out what else we’ve been up to during our Music Week below!


Day One

Day Two





Music Week: Day Four
Music Week: Day Two


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