• Music Week: Day Four

    Today I’ve been letting my kids be composers! I created some sheet music for them and let them fill in the notes – once they dry Mom is going to attempt to play their songs for them!   This was so easy to set up! All it took was a simple sharpie: some lines on a paper and a little dot art! If you don’t have the a set of dot arts (try them they are great!) you could always use a small bottle cap dipped in paint or a sponge cut into a circle. Even a thumb print would be a fun way to create some notes!   I…

  • Music Week: Day Two

    My babies are just LOVING music week! It’s been really fun to see my 15 month old really starting to sing full verses of songs and my two year old spontaneously singing full songs by himself or to his sisters. Today he was really into singing Happy Birthday to our youngest who turns one in just a few weeks! Time is really flying by… and while most of our day has been spent trying out our new jump pad (aka mattress pad) and singing our favorite jumping song, we did managed to do a fun musical art activity. We’ve been really working on turn taking with our instruments and our jumping…

  • Rainy Morning Butterflies

    My “big” two and I are kicking off this rainy day with some arts & crafts for a little impromptu activity time. While they were eating breakfast and I realized we weren’t making it to the pool today due to the downpour (and while two year old already told me he was ready to go to the playground) I decided it was time to try painting again. Since we were out of just about every color construction paper – I needed to use up the random leftovers and so we made some butterflies. While they finished eating I did some simple construction paper cut outs that took all of two minutes.…