• Music Week: Day Four

    Today I’ve been letting my kids be composers! I created some sheet music for them and let them fill in the notes – once they dry Mom is going to attempt to play their songs for them!   This was so easy to set up! All it took was a simple sharpie: some lines on a paper and a little dot art! If you don’t have the a set of dot arts (try them they are great!) you could always use a small bottle cap dipped in paint or a sponge cut into a circle. Even a thumb print would be a fun way to create some notes!   I…

  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Day Four

    We had another gorgeous summer day here so we spent most of it outside. Lots of time for walks around the park and playing on the playground! Although we did have a lot of fun wrapping ourselves in “Cocoons” while we waited for our little sister to wake up this morning. The kids loved having me wrap them up tight in our brown blanket and bursting their way out! Plus we played lots of peekaboo and one of our old favorites “dark” where we all just sit under a blanket and go “ooo its dark” (don’t ask me why but this has been a favorite and much requested game for…

  • Entertainment

    One lesson I’ve learned being a mom is don’t waste your money on toys. My steadfast rule if I’m just looking around is nothing over $10 (I know it sounds cheap) and even then it has to be really worth it.  And my kids are very well stocked! Of course we get bigger stuff for their birthdays, holidays etc. and they have some very generous loved ones, but I find most of the expensive toys (unless they are a big ticket item) just don’t pan out. In fact many of my kids favorite toys are the ones you make at home.   This morning my kids played with ONE thing…