Music Week: Day Two

My babies are just LOVING music week! It’s been really fun to see my 15 month old really starting to sing full verses of songs and my two year old spontaneously singing full songs by himself or to his sisters. Today he was really into singing Happy Birthday to our youngest who turns one in just a few weeks! Time is really flying by… and while most of our day has been spent trying out our new jump pad (aka mattress pad) and singing our favorite jumping song, we did managed to do a fun musical art activity.

We’ve been really working on turn taking with our instruments and our jumping song has been great practice too – its a very simple song where each kid gets a turn dancing and then sits down for the next one to try (of course the younger ones have some help jumping from Mom). It’s also been great for name recognition and listening skills!

If your name is (child’s name)
Jump up & down, Jump up & down
Jump up & down
If your name is (name)
Jump up & down 
And do a silly dance!

Then they have to sit down and give the next sibling a chance.

We’ve also been doing a lot of shaker songs all together and working on different body parts (shake on your belly, head, toes etc.) and concepts such as fast/slow or high/low. It’s a fun way to learn through play that doesn’t really feel like learning!

Apart from all the songs though as I mentioned today we tried a cute little musical art activity with some simple music notes and paint! I cut out some music notes and taped them to paper while they all had a snack. Then we tried something a little different – instead of just dipping brushes in paint the kids picked out what color paints they wanted, I poured a couple little dots around their papers and told them to push it around to cover the paper.


The kids loved painting and getting messy! Once they were done we carefully peeled the music notes off to reveal the paper behind it! It was a fun way for them to actually paint an object without having those skills yet!




If you want to see more of our Music Week check out what’s been happening so far:

Our Inspiration

Day One




Music Week Day Three: Music Books!
Music Week: Day One Songs


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