Our Very Hungry Caterpillar: Day Three

Wowzah! Today was a much better day! And we discovered the source of yesterdays bad mojo – Two new molars are coming through! My oldest was with some friends for a bit today so it was just me and the ‘little’ ones. We busted out our caterpillar tunnel and had a great time chasing each other through it! My 15 month old was even able to say “excuse me” when she wanted to get out and her sister was blocking the door. They love closing the door and peeking through the little window, getting tickles from the outside and will just laugh and laugh simply crawling through to each other. It’s so cute!






We also decided to have some crinkly fun and make a caterpillar with some left over tissue paper from my son’s birthday! They had a blast making balls, throwing it into the air, playing peekaboo, ripping paper and even tried a little bit of catch!






These took up most of our indoor time this morning. We tried to spend a lot of time outside today since the weather was gorgeous and took a nice trip around the block to touch all different kinds of leaves – a great sensory walk. I checked for caterpillar eggs but alas no luck – at least we had some fun in the sunshine.


We saved the last one for when my son came home and I’m so glad we did! We got our pull tube out and used different pom-poms* for all the hungry caterpillar foods! One big red apple, two pears, three purple plums, four strawberries and five oranges! All the babies were able to work on their fine motor skills picking up pom-poms and placing or pushing them into the tube depending on the size, while my oldest enjoyed counting with me. He’s still a little young to understand the concept of counting but knows the number words in the right order. I just have to slow him down to go along with the actual objects! Once all the pom-poms made it in the tube we had a great time blasting them out with big puffs of air and watching them shoot all over the place – running and crawling after them to collect them and put them back in!


All in all a pretty successful caterpillary day that we’ll be expanding on some more tomorrow!!

If you want to try your own Very Hungry Caterpillar themed week and missed our first few rounds you can find them all below:

The Beginning

Day One

Day Two


And find the rest:

Day Four

The End



*One thing to note if you have little littles like me – watch out for eating pompoms as they are small enough to present a choking hazard! This is definitely a mom and me together activity!




The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Day Four
Hungry Caterpillar: Day Two


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