• Home School Halloween Sensory Play

    While we are taking preschool home this year due to COVID I wanted to incorporate some fun sensory bin ideas. One thing I had yet to try with my kids was pluffle – an awesome sensory activity, that is some kind of cross between sand and goop without all the mess. It moves on its own much the way goop would, but is sculpt-able the same way kinetic sand is, without sticking to everyones hands. We loaded up our bin with black and orange pluffle just in time for Halloween and once the kids had thoroughly explored just the pluffle I made a few simple additions and expanded it even…

  • Seasons – Summer

    Summer is an easy one considering it’s still about 96° here – we talked about the heat (my little one now keeps feeling me and saying “hot”) and spent most of the morning at the splashpad cooling down! We used this as a time to reflect on our summer (helping build their memory skills) and talked about all the summer activities we did like playing in the sand, going swimming at the beach, going to the pool, having picnics outside, watching people fish on the lake, eating popsicles, going to the park etc. We continued to talk about the leaves and how they are full and green in the summer…

  • Living Waste Free: Reusing Our Plastic for Plastic Free July

    So I’m not by any means plastic free yet but I do try to do some waste reduction – we do the easy stuff or what we can with having three so little. Simple things like get a CSA every year to reduce our packaged food, use reusable cups/shopping bags when we go shopping and we try to reuse the packaging we do get as much as possible. Not much, but its all about baby steps right!? So in honor of plastic free July and in trying to keep a few things out of the landfills/oceans I thought I would share a couple of our favorite recycled toys!   The…

  • Our Very Hungry Caterpillar: Day Three

    Wowzah! Today was a much better day! And we discovered the source of yesterdays bad mojo – Two new molars are coming through! My oldest was with some friends for a bit today so it was just me and the ‘little’ ones. We busted out our caterpillar tunnel and had a great time chasing each other through it! My 15 month old was even able to say “excuse me” when she wanted to get out and her sister was blocking the door. They love closing the door and peeking through the little window, getting tickles from the outside and will just laugh and laugh simply crawling through to each other.…

  • Going Outside When It’s Too Hot To Go Outside

    Somedays we just need to get out of the house. A breath of fresh air, a little sunshine and a little break from the same old things. But nobody really wants to crawl on hot pavement or run around when it’s 95 degrees out! Mostly we whine… so what do we do then?? Time to bust out the water table! We’ve got a great table for this purpose that was my sons first birthday present – Step2 Rain Showers Splash Pond Water Table Playset (if they can hold on and stand they love it!). It also serves as our sensory table during the winter months filled with fake leaves to rake in…