
Lately I’ve been struggling with lunch for my kids. Maybe its just me, but I’ve never been one to cook something for lunch – I mean back in the day when I used to babysit I would all the time… make pasta, or chicken nuggets or pizza – but in my own home its just never been a thing. Maybe it’s just the chaos and starvation of my kids “need lunch now!!!!” But I never feel like I have the time or motivation to really cook two full meals a day. Dinner is always my big one and occasionally I’ll cook breakfasts on the weekend (although hubby has all but taken over any breakfast cooking as he likes a hot breakfast much more than me). So my kids typically rely on leftovers for lunch. A quick pop in the microwave and Tuesday night’s risotto becomes Thursday’s lunch.

This worked great for us for years until now, three kids and three adults eating dinner every night = no more leftovers. I just can’t cook enough these days! So my kids have been enjoying avocado toast or what I like to refer to as mix and match lunches (bento boxes?) – a fruit (berries, bananas, watermelon etc.),  a veg (quickly steamed carrots, cauliflower, asparagus, peas), a protein (black beans, chickpeas, cheese, hard boiled egg) and maybe some snacks like peanut butter crackers or yogurt bites etc.

Today’s Mix:


I guess I’m going to have to get bigger pans and start doubling all my recipes every night… help me out here. What are your go to lunches?



"Positive Parenting"
Cooking at 1 & 1/2 - Crackers!


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