• Lunch

    Lately I’ve been struggling with lunch for my kids. Maybe its just me, but I’ve never been one to cook something for lunch – I mean back in the day when I used to babysit I would all the time… make pasta, or chicken nuggets or pizza – but in my own home its just never been a thing. Maybe it’s just the chaos and starvation of my kids “need lunch now!!!!” But I never feel like I have the time or motivation to really cook two full meals a day. Dinner is always my big one and occasionally I’ll cook breakfasts on the weekend (although hubby has all but…

  • Why Not Just Try It?

    So your kids always want what you’re having? No matter what’s in front of them? Why Not Just Try It? This is our motto lately at the dinner table. Even if I have the same dinner it’s “I want yours mom,” – something different that they totally hate “I want yours mom!” Maybe it’s just us but this seems to be universal among all our kids. And that’s how today we discovered that both my one year olds love blue cheese! I’ve never really heard anything one way or another about not giving it to younger babies (like honey which is a big no), but it just seemed too strange…