Stone Soup

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We just happened to have this book/cd set out from the library when everything around us got shut down. So in trying to think of something to entertain the kids we decided to use it! Audio books are quite new for them so it was kind of a treat to all sit together and listen to the book.

After listening to the book we took out our witches cauldrons/ pots of gold/ soup pots (so multipurpose) and decided to make our own Stone Soup. We asked if they could remember how many stones were added in the story and counted out three rocks to add to each of their pots.

We filled a small cup with water and allowed them to pour in the water themselves. While some of them did better than others water is an easy one to clean up and a great one for practicing pouring skills!

We then kept trying to remember the other ingredients and pretending to add them in. A great activity to work on reading comprehension and memory skills. After each addition we stirred our soups with our plastic spoons. When they were done creating we asked them to scoop out the rocks with their spoons (great practice for eating) and put them on a napkin – while we cleaned up any of the excess water that had spilled.

While the kids were stirring away on their soups I quickly cut out some paper pots and a few “rocks.” We continued to make our own Stone Soup by drawing ingredients we like in our soup into the pot and gluing our stones inside. It was fun to see them try to remember the ingredients from the story but also come up with their own ideas for good additions based on foods they like.

Although this is certainly an old book, the fun of cooking is one that never goes out of style for kids and the community aspect felt very appropriate for our current situation. Despite all the social distancing our community has been coming together to help each other in so many ways. Each adding what we’ve got to make things better for everyone. Keeping everyone safe and well as best we can or working together to normalize life for our little ones – whether that means checking on our older neighbors, donating to our healthcare staff or putting scavenger hunts in our windows we can all add something to make it better!

Teaching Your Toddler To LOVE Salad
Play With Your Food!


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