Seasons – Winter

We recently got some books about changing seasons and have been talking a lot about winter and fall coming back (especially since my snowblower/shovel obsessed toddler keeps asking when its going to snow). As we’ve been stuck in the house all week anyway with the rain we decided to make our very own indoor winter despite the heat!

This morning’s play was cooking ice. An incredibly simple basically mess free sensory activity where we fill a bowl with a couple cups of ice cubes, bust out our cooking utensils (LOVE these dishwasher safe ones from greentoys) and a couple plastic take out spoons that we’ve been reusing from our recent delivery and cook away! The kids had a great time practicing using the spoons to transfer the ice into bowls, teapots, plates and dumping them back in the bucket. And of course slurping on the ice cubes because as always – teething…


When they were finished clean up was a breeze – dump the ice in the sink to melt and let the other toys dry or go in the dishwasher! We were ready for another game less than a minute after they decided they were done!


After naps we made our own snow! The kids have just started really getting into play-doh so we decided to try this cloud dough for a fun and taste safe alternative! It’s just flour and vegetable oil! We had so much fun making snow balls and pretending to shovel! We even pretended one of our trucks was a snowblower so toddler heaven! I have realized that I need to find a way to cover the umbrella hole in our play table though because we lost a lot of the dough to the ground very quickly!

Once most of the dough was lost we continued with some white play doh and a few of the twigs from our nature walk to  build some snowmen! We even found a little sweet potato peel from lunch to make his nose! They spent so much time building and squishing snowmen that we didn’t have time for much else this afternoon!





We finished off our time before dinner by continuing our nature letters! For those who have been following our Seasons week these were very similar to our Fall leaf letters, but for winter we used some pine needles (can’t wait for our Christmas Tree)! Since the pine needles were much darker and smaller I decided to leave them clear and used contact paper on the back instead of the extra square of construction paper. I think they look very cool! This one was definitely harder for the babes though as the pine needles are so much smaller & harder to pick up and grasp – I think we’ll use something a little bigger next time, though it was probably great practice for them!


We had so much fun and can’t wait to continue our self-inspired seasons theme week! If you missed it check out our Fall activities and will keep you posted as always so be sure to check back for Spring & Summer!







Seasons - Spring
Seasons - Fall


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