Our Next Theme Week: Inspired by Darius Rucker

So our family went to a wedding a few weeks ago and heard the Darius Rucker song Wagon Wheel. Our two year old loved dancing to it and the reaction he got from the family crowd didn’t hurt his confidence either! It is now my kids #1 most requested song to listen to (right behind the Elmo Song and Raffi’s Baby Beluga). While he sings the chorus my 15 month old throws in an appropriately timed “Hey!” or helps scream “wagon wheel” for another round as we listen to it while we drive literally anywhere we go… If anyone is keeping track we should be somewhere around our three hundred and fifth time listening to it. This seems to have kicked off their love of singing not just this song but pretty much any song I teach them. I love listening to their little voices sing – it is one of the most adorable things I’ve heard from my babies since that first little laugh.


Between this and how much fun we had with our Hungry Caterpillar theme week we are going to try another theme week this time centered around Music! Music is amazing for babies development and has been linked to communication, sensory, and social skills. I loved seeing the progress kids with ASD made with music therapy whether it was filling in the word when a song was paused (often some of their first words) or imitating tapping patterns on a drum. They were able to build a number of skills through music that could be transferred to their daily life. I’ve even seen qualified music therapy used to treat depression in adults with some success. Now this is not what we’ll be doing this week, but I just wanted to share with you all how music can unlock a whole world of potential and I’m really excited to see where it leads my kids!




Stay Tuned! (HA!) 🙂







Music Week: Day One Songs
Living Waste Free: Steps in a Long Journey


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