
  • Teaching Your Toddler To LOVE Salad

    Ok I’ll admit it I like salad, but if you tell me I’m going to have salad for dinner I’m not that excited about it. My two year old though!? It’s like I said we were going out for ice cream. Now lettuce (uncooked and not hidden in something) is still a mildly new concept for us. There was some exposure to it on taco night or when we eat BLT’s, but its never been the center of a meal and we never really expect them to eat much of it. That however is starting to change. We’ll be getting lots of lettuce from the farm this summer and want…

  • Play With Your Food!

    Looking for a way to keep your kids busy, safe but entertained while you work or get something done? Extend snack time with a bit of fun – and play with your food! When they are done playing – eat your snack! Just make sure everyone has their own supply so theres no fighting over who gets to eat it (or germ spreading from kid to kid). All of these are super easy to set up – get in some playtime and continue the busy time by filling our bellies. Plus offer some great opportunities for picky eaters to gain exposure to new and different foods! “Candy” Necklaces Instead of…

  • Thanksgiving Leftovers

    If you’re anything like my family you’re starting to get sick of the thanksgiving leftovers by the end of Thanksgiving weekend. We all love it and are so lucky to have all this food but it gets a little boring after a few days. Instead of wasting all of it though we are sharing some recipes that we’re using to use up some of the leftover-leftovers!   First up is… Spicy Turkey Pasta  I used two bags of pasta (we’ve got a lot of people to feed over here) but just make enough pasta to feed your crew – the extra sauce will only add to the flavor. While the…

  • Going Out To Eat With Three Babies

    No one wants to be the loudest table in the restaurant and no one wants to be the family that leaves the place trashed (trust me we’ve been there). But we’ve been able to take our kids successfully to some pretty nice restaurants. Below is my strategy of some success – useful for anyone whether dining out with one or three infants.   First things first practice if you can before going somewhere more formal – go to the local pizza joint or whatever restaurant seems the most kid friendly in your area. (If you’re in the Boston region check out Full Moon in Cambridge which actually caters to kids and has…

  • Living Waste Free: Steps in a Long Journey

    So as you may have read in my last post by no means are we a waste free household. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE the idea and think there’s some amazing stuff out there, but with three under two it’s just not feasible or realistic for me right now. I spend hours already getting food and bodily functions out of clothes – I can’t imagine trying to deal with non-disposable diapers (huge kudos to you who do). However,  I do try to do some things like bring a reusable cup or reusable bags (plus some stores give you a discount woohoo!) and add to this list wherever I can.…

  • How I Got My Kids To Eat Well – 10 Easy Steps

    Ok so there are not really 10 easy steps here. Getting your kids to eat well is a process that starts early and is mostly learned from you. All my kids so far have been awesome eaters – we have lucked out in that sense, but I also think our habits have certainly helped. From the very beginning they’ve always eaten some version of what we were eating and been exposed to different flavors and textures from the start so its not a learning curve later on. Okay, Examples Please? If we were making BLATS (think BLT with avocado and cheese) our youngest eater might have some slices of avocado along…

  • The Night My Kids Ate Ramen For Dinner

    Tonight! Tonight my kids ate ramen for dinner. No, not the instant kind loaded with salt. Homemade REAL mildly spicy ramen and they LOVED it. This was brussels sprouts, mushrooms, spinach, chicken and egg that made its way into their little growing bodies. Plus my son kept wanting to munch on raw garlic while I cooked. I’m a happy mom here!       Do your kids like to eat? Not like to eat?   Check out my next post How I Got My Kids to Eat Well for how we got here!    

  • Lunch

    Lately I’ve been struggling with lunch for my kids. Maybe its just me, but I’ve never been one to cook something for lunch – I mean back in the day when I used to babysit I would all the time… make pasta, or chicken nuggets or pizza – but in my own home its just never been a thing. Maybe it’s just the chaos and starvation of my kids “need lunch now!!!!” But I never feel like I have the time or motivation to really cook two full meals a day. Dinner is always my big one and occasionally I’ll cook breakfasts on the weekend (although hubby has all but…

  • Cooking at 1 & 1/2 – Crackers!

    I’m always trying to think of fun, creative and different things I can do with my kids (if only so I don’t kill myself when I hear the dinosuar song one more time). But finding something that’s quick, easy enough for my not quite 2 year old and won’t take me the rest of the day to clean up can be tough. My son and I get our special time during his sisters morning nap so we always try to do something fun –  just us. Although some days it’s definitely laundry. Usually it’s coloring because I’m just not that creative, but today I decided there’s only so much coloring…