Unconventional Adoption Books

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Most of these books were not written to be adoption books and are well loved by children of any family. But they are all ones that I find express something meaningful or open up the doors to talk about some part of adoption. What can I say? I like my books to be a little subtle and have some hidden meaning! Plus, I like that they aren’t specific to any one situation.


You’re Here For A Reason

By Nancy Tillman

If the title isn’t clear enough for you this book lends a lot of credence to the idea that you never know how things are going to turn out but that you are a part of this family and this home for a reason and that we couldn’t be happier and would never want it any other way.




Penguin and Pinecone

By Salina Yoon

A great one for those who have an open adoption. This book is great for talking about how sometimes we have to give up something or someone we love dearly for their well being. And that no matter the distance they are still important and loved and maybe one day will get to know each other again (or come for a visit).




Llama Llama Red Pajama

By Anna Dewdney

All around a great book for separation anxiety which can be big for kids who have been adopted or in foster care. Also, I’m pretty sure this book is the only reason all of my kids will go to sleep on their own at night!




On The Night You Were Born

By Nancy Tillman

This book is just all about making a kid feel special and has nothing to do with being born to anyone in particular. I’ve loved it both in my foster care days and as a mom for celebrating and loving my babes. I’ll never forget the first time I read it to one of my first foster placements and watched her eyes light up as she asked over and over again “for me?” She’d never been told just how special she was, but I could see her light up as she felt it when we read this story “about her”.


I Love You Stinky Face

By Lisa Mccourt

Will you still love me, will you always be my mom, no matter what I do will you always be here for me? Over and over the answer is always yes I love you!




That’s Not My Baby

By Fiona Watt

This one might sound counter intuitive but may help you and your child think about the things that made them special, that made them a good fit with your family or made them your baby! If you’re not familiar with the That’s Not My… series it goes through a few simple touch and feel looks that aren’t quite right – too fuzzy, too shiny and then shows your baby themselves when it gets to the “My Baby!” part.



Little Cub

By Olivier Dunrea

This is one of the less subtle adoption books on the list – but I still love it as it shows not just the typical “lucky child” response (that you never hear the end of) but what both sides get out of adoption.






By Emma Dodd

This one makes the list simply to spend the day with your child. Not exclusive to adoptions but I think sometimes all our kids need a reminder that despite the stress and busyness of our lives day in and day out the best thing we do is spend time with them!




Happy Reading!

If you’ve got some favorites that aren’t on the list please share them below!







Going Out To Eat With Three Babies
31 Days of Halloween Fun


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