The Turkeys Are Coming!

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is just a week away! Does anyone else feel like Halloween was yesterday? I mean really we’ve still got Halloween candy! At least the kids and I have been talking a lot about Turkeys because we’ve had a lot of them around the neighborhood lately, but we just finally got around to doing some of the Turkey crafts I’d set up for them as they’ve just escaped us due to one appointment or another.

We’ve done a few of your obvious hand turkeys – and this year I’m actually turning it into a little game along with our table name cards – which if I do say so myself is a lot cuter then last years names written on the wine glass. Calligraphy is not my thing so lets just say these came out much better. The kids have been enthusiastically coloring in their hand prints for the past few weeks but we finally added the turkey bits (eyes and beaks) today which made them that much more exciting! 


We also made some awesome turkey pictures with real feathers that I had gotten for their favorite playgroup activity. At playgroup the feathers are birds – you put them on your arm and teach them to fly by blowing them off – or you send them to the sky by throwing them up in the air. It’s a really cute and fun gross motor game to get them moving around a bit (and perfect for this bird filled holiday) but for that game we needed a lot less than the 100 feathers that came in the pack so we used up a few of the extras for this little turkey. I drew an outline of a turkey body and had them color them in, we glued feathers on and added the googly eyes for fun. My oldest wanted to try drawing the beak himself and did some interesting A shapes, while I helped the younger two. These are really just a fun little activity to help get them in the spirit of turkey day as two year olds don’t quite get the concept yet, but do understand turkeys! It was fun to see them advancing in their arts and crafts a little bit as they managed the gluing much better than last time. We hung these beauties up in their play space to admire for the rest of the Thanksgiving season.



Lastly we made some thanksgiving decor in the form of these little turkeys which were cut out of construction paper – so easy to do with whatever you have around! If you are feeling more adventurous let them color or paint the paper themselves and then cut out the feathers, but we just went for different color construction paper. Once I cut out the body and the feather shapes – I let them try out a glue stick to glue the feathers on their turkeys and then added some more of our googly eyes (why do they love these so much!?!). This was a perfect activity for my older two – for my youngest I had to help her with the glue and then flip the feathers over for her as she didn’t get which side to stick down, but it was a fun craft to try together. Feeling ambitious I even cut out some beaks and feet for them to add on – which turned out to be a little strange and some got glued on in some obscure places but they worked and the kids had fun so that’s all that matters. Plus they’ve been very excited to show off which one they made to anyone who comes in the house!


Now to go plan a menu, and get all the food, and set the table before we can relax and enjoy the time with our family! Oh and have our oven installed (what is it about November that makes everything in our kitchen break down?) and squeeze all of our weekly appointments into two days so that everyone can go on vacation! Anyone else feel like Thanksgiving just crept up too fast this year??

Wish us luck!





Laundry Secrets
Babies & Snow Days


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