• Seasons – Summer

    Summer is an easy one considering it’s still about 96° here – we talked about the heat (my little one now keeps feeling me and saying “hot”) and spent most of the morning at the splashpad cooling down! We used this as a time to reflect on our summer (helping build their memory skills) and talked about all the summer activities we did like playing in the sand, going swimming at the beach, going to the pool, having picnics outside, watching people fish on the lake, eating popsicles, going to the park etc. We continued to talk about the leaves and how they are full and green in the summer…

  • Seasons: Day One

    So with the change of seasons and Fall approaching I thought it would be the perfect time to start teaching my little ones about the seasons. At this point especially with my “younger” two I’m pretty sure the only season they remember right now is Summer – so first we had to learn what the seasons are and what their names are. We started at the Library and got a book for each season so we could start seeing and talking about what each one was. Summer Spring Fall Winter All Four   Then since we are just beginning to enter leaf peeping season in New England we took a…

  • Why Did No One Ever Tell Me About Swim Diapers?

    Why The Big Secret? Okay. Swim Diapers. Great idea right? Diapers that work in the pool and don’t get gross and weigh your kids down. Awesome! BUT. THEY. DON’T. HOLD. PEE. How is it that this isn’t well distributed information? Like baby 101 “By the way swim diapers don’t hold pee” C’mon Moms! C’mon Dads! Nothing quite like the first hand experience of walking home from the pool and having your kid pee all over you!!! What?!?! Now I change them back to real diapers the second we exit the water – which is a lot of back and forth when you have a toddler who decides he’s done and…

  • Road Tripping with Babies 101

    Getting ready for the summer? Trying to figure out summer plans? We’ve got a busy few months ahead that I am thrilled about! We love traveling and while adding kids into the mix really changed our trip planning from “Hey, want to drive to Kentucky this weekend?” to planning week long trips several weeks ahead we still enjoy the time and adventure as a family.   The summer excitement starts with my brother’s wedding – I can’t believe he’s getting married in just over a week! We’ll be making a vacation of it spending a week in a little pool side cottage and having a few solid beach days with…

  • Going Outside When It’s Too Hot To Go Outside

    Somedays we just need to get out of the house. A breath of fresh air, a little sunshine and a little break from the same old things. But nobody really wants to crawl on hot pavement or run around when it’s 95 degrees out! Mostly we whine… so what do we do then?? Time to bust out the water table! We’ve got a great table for this purpose that was my sons first birthday present – Step2 Rain Showers Splash Pond Water Table Playset (if they can hold on and stand they love it!). It also serves as our sensory table during the winter months filled with fake leaves to rake in…