• Home School Halloween Sensory Play

    While we are taking preschool home this year due to COVID I wanted to incorporate some fun sensory bin ideas. One thing I had yet to try with my kids was pluffle – an awesome sensory activity, that is some kind of cross between sand and goop without all the mess. It moves on its own much the way goop would, but is sculpt-able the same way kinetic sand is, without sticking to everyones hands. We loaded up our bin with black and orange pluffle just in time for Halloween and once the kids had thoroughly explored just the pluffle I made a few simple additions and expanded it even…

  • Full Body Learning

    Materials Needed: CHALK With remote learning/homeschooling in full swing this September we’ve taken on the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge to push ourselves to spend time in nature and well, out of our house. Being outside however doesn’t mean the learning needs to stop. In fact it’s a great opportunity to get our whole bodies energetically involved in the process. As the weather begins to get a little cooler we are longing to head out around town to some of our favorite outdoor spots, but with so many restrictions still in effect finding lots of fun things we can do in our very own driveway instead. Today we started off with…