• Mom/Baby Work Outs!

    Calling all my Mama’s with New Year’s Resolutions to get in shape or spend more time playing with your kids! Here is a little piece I wrote a while ago about all the ways I get my work out in while entertaining three babies:   There aren’t many things I do that don’t involve my kids – at least when they are awake, and I’ve got enough other things to do when they are sleeping – so I don’t always get a chance to work out or go for a run like I did in my pre-baby days. Hubby and I used to enjoy the Couch to 5k app or…

  • Babies & Snow Days

      This winter I’ve been couped up in the house for several snow days. While going out in the snow with your kids is basically a built in playground – I’ve got non-walkers and who wants to lug babies around or just literally lay out in the snow?? So instead of bundling them up and trying to drag them outside I brought the snow to them.   They have never had so much fun! First thing I did was gather up a few plastic spoons from our recent take out orders as well as some play kitchen tools we had lying around (I’m sure regular silverware or kid friendly cookware…

  • Seasons – Summer

    Summer is an easy one considering it’s still about 96° here – we talked about the heat (my little one now keeps feeling me and saying “hot”) and spent most of the morning at the splashpad cooling down! We used this as a time to reflect on our summer (helping build their memory skills) and talked about all the summer activities we did like playing in the sand, going swimming at the beach, going to the pool, having picnics outside, watching people fish on the lake, eating popsicles, going to the park etc. We continued to talk about the leaves and how they are full and green in the summer…