“See The Birdies”

My kids new obsession is “seeing the birdies” aka going out on the front steps to see if there are any birds around. It’s literally the first thing they ask to do the second they see Grandma so I know a lot of it is about the special time they get alone with her (she only takes one at a time) but they also have been really loving birds! So today we are all about birds – we took a little field trip to one of my favorite places to bring them The Museum of Science in Boston. I love how many different interests they can enjoy here (something for everyone) and how much they can participate in even if they don’t understand it all yet. Plus the early exposure to science has got to be great for their little brains! We can feel tornados and different wind speeds, look at the stars, see all sorts of animals (alive/stuffed but they don’t notice much), go inside & “drive” the rocket ship, say “roar” to the dinosaurs, watch the trains & push buttons to make all sorts of things happen (learning cause and effect). There are tons of activities with blocks which they love, plus most days they just like answering all the telephones and talking to the exhibit descriptions. All this and we haven’t even touched the baby area – called the Discovery Center which is just for those under 5!

Ok, Ok I’ve gotten off topic but seriously I love this place! Anyhow – today was all about seeing the birds! We were able to see tons of varieties of stuffed birds but they also had some cool exhibits of shadow puppet birds, a game where you could check out different flight patterns and one where you could hear different bird sounds. They even had an activity where you could try to sneak up on a bird without it sounding its alarm call – yeah right with three babies! But they still had a blast trying and shushing each other.


Plus they were all so wiped out from all the running around that we managed a glorious unified nap-time when we got home! They usually wake up in shifts so we spend a little quiet time reading – and today had a couple of great books which you can check out for yourself through my Amazon affiliate links by clicking on the picture or title! We continued on our bird/science theme with a few of our current favorites Baby Loves Aerospace Engineering (all about things that fly including birds) and Baby’s First Book of Birds & Colors which is a lovely book about colors that includes some names for bird species incase you’re ever wondering what you’re looking at!




Painting in progress!

Once everyone was awake (and fed of course) we made some binoculars to help us see our birdies when we go out looking again with Grandma. This was a super easy and super motivating one – plus we were able to recycle some toilet paper rolls! We made a few different versions so each of the kids could play with one at the same time. For the first one they each painted a roll and then I glued them together and added some ribbon with a quick hole punch. 

For the other ones, we did one with markers and one with crayons and added all sorts of stickers. They’ve been so proud to wear them and hold them up to look out the window and announce everything they see through their “necklace” or their “binoculars” depending on the kid.




I love that we were able to extend those special Grandma feelings all day long! Although she might have to spend a lot of time looking for birdies tonight! It was such a fun way to extend on their interests and start exposing them to a little bit of Science while they are still so young!




Gender Stereotypes
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