Numbers & Letters Week

This week we are focusing on everything numbers and letters! Obviously my three are a bit too little for me to expect them to know or learn their numbers and letters, but they’ve been showing so much interest in them – asking me or trying to tell me what each letter is, counting constantly and wanting to read our ABC book over and over – that I decided to embrace their interests and do what I’m going to call a little pre-learning week.

As always with our theme weeks our first stop is the library where we can check out as many books as we like on our theme! I went so overboard the lovely lady at the desk gave me her shopping bag after watching me struggle over to her with all the kids and books! For me this is a great way to expand on any theme for the kids without lots of spending and needless clutter, we can constantly rotate and only buy our true favorites (I’ll share a few of those later in the week). We rearranged our bookshelf to highlight Numbers & Letters (which was good because Mom was getting a little tired of some of our favorites) and set up our ideas with our new books!

The kids have also enjoyed using snack time to count out the number of blueberries, crackers, peas etc. that they get and I’ve been really amazed at how much they actually understand with counting already!

Another easy starter activity is a simple walk through our neighborhood to see what we can find. While we don’t have many street signs around us (thus no letters) we found lots and lots of numbers on all the mailboxes and while I was able to point out some of the numbers, the kids could tell me about what colors they were seeing, and we would all try to count up to the number together! They got so excited running up to point out the next mailbox or house number they saw. With babies and toddlers it’s all about the little things.

I really don’t have much of a goal this week except exposure and fun – so stay tuned and we’ll be sharing lots of baby & toddler friendly ideas to play that as a bonus include some letters or numbers or both.

Numbers and Letters Week: Day 1 & 2
Repurposing and Reusing Infant Toys


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