Laundry Secrets

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As we start to get ready for our first thanksgiving with three babies, I’m pulling out all the stops. We’ve got turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes the list goes on and on.  We’ve got more family than I can count coming over, turkey napkin rings and of course a lovely turkey candle for the table (thanks mom!) so I’ve been thinking back to our last thanksgiving and how much the babies have grown since then and how much our lives have changed.

As I brought out the napkins and placemats though I’m astonished by one thing. I can’t tell which one we poured a whole bottle of red wine on last year. And yeah you might say that’s pretty great, but the best part of the story is that after all the dinner was done and my babies were playing while the adults cleared and got ready for dessert – my then one year old hid one of these wine soaked napkins behind the couch. To be found by yours truly about a month later. A sane person probably would have just thrown this old, dried red wine soaked white napkin right in the trash – but I’m stubborn and I love the set so I tried … and you know what they all look pretty damn good!

I learned and perfected this miracle of miracles over the course of twelve messy babies, toddlers and tweens. So I’d like to say it works on just about anything! The poop explosion we had on vacation that sat untouched for over a week, the spit up (oh all the spit up), the avocado, the grass stains, the tree climbing bark stains, learning to use a spoon, and yes the red wine. Another mom couldn’t believe when I told her my youngest white striped shirt was an (unstained) hand me down from both brother and sister, but I’ve been able to keep most of their clothes going!


Wanna learn my tricks?

Step One is always just hot water to get the big stuff off – the cheerios, the pieces of dirt, the stuck on couscous.

Step two is a nice soak with liquid tide and hot water (as hot as you can stand it) – the longer you leave it the better your chances (just try not to let the water get cold).

Step three is Shout, not the crappy spray kind but the kind that comes with a bristle top that you can really scrub at – if I really like the item I’ll scrub on both sides of a stain (i.e. inside and outside of the shirt).

Step four is a nice wash – I’ll use tide & bleach if it’s whites (whites are stubborn) but just regular powder tide if its anything with color.


It’s time consuming to be sure when you have 3 babies worth of messy clothes, but I can’t tell you how much it’s saved me in having to replace all of their clothes & bibs. Three babies and most of it makes it down the line all the way to a donation or consignment pile which will only take stain free clothes in good shape.

So that’s it – that’s my time proven secret to any stain! I’d say 9 1/2 out of 10 times it works! And it sure as hell worked it’s magic on the month old red wine – so bring it on messy family – I’m ready for the Holidays!


PS: I wish Tide or Shout had sponsored this but alas they don’t care about little old me. Any purchase made through the links above is all on me and my own personal experience with success.




Thanksgiving Leftovers
The Turkeys Are Coming!


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