Holiday Traditions

I’m sure everyone has their own little holiday traditions and things that they do to make it a special time for the kids, but for us it doesn’t even begin to feel like the holidays until we go get our tree!

We always struggled as a couple trying to switch off Christmas Eve between the in-laws until we had kids. It’s just not fun trying to spread yourselves so far that you don’t really have time to enjoy any of it. Then when we did have kids driving the five hours or so at like midnight with the babies just seems like a cruel joke on Christmas! So we finally decided to just commit and stay in New York for the holidays with my family who all live so far apart. As a kid my Hubby’s favorite part about Christmas with his family was always going to cut down the Christmas tree so we’ve made this a weekend tradition that we hope our kids will enjoy for years to come.

We all stay in a little cabin (which admittedly feels a lot smaller in the last two years!) and enjoy a weekend of hanging out, sleigh rides, kettle corn, and finding the ‘perfect’ tree which hubby then chops down and carries back to the car with the help of his Dad & his brother. It’s a great way to start off the holiday season and get us all in the Christmas spirit plus my kids get to enjoy a stress free weekend with their grandparents, aunt and uncle and who knows maybe one day (okay reallllly far away) their cousins too! It’s a wonderful tradition that I love being a part of! Plus we always plan a special Christmas with them once the holidays are over which makes us stretch our Christmas for almost the full month – what’s not to love! It’s a great time coming up with fun themes like Hawaiian Christmas or last years fancy Christmas dinner for the Hubs obsession with beef wellington to make it extra special! Personally hoping for an Irish Christmas this year, but it’s still TBD.

We’ve found that this way we really all get to stop and enjoy our time together and there’s no rushing from one house to the next. Plus we get to spend an extra day or two in New York visiting with family we only see so often and don’t have to worry about enjoying a cocktail or two! My cousin makes a great – albeit lethal liquid peppermint dessert that is really a family favorite. All in all we feel like everyone wins this way. While I’m really looking forward to our Holiday traditions this year – maybe we’ll inspire you to get a little creative in planning your family holidays!




Felt Snowman
Thanksgiving Leftovers


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